surgery is done
- Without injections
- Without suturing
- Without pain during the procedure
One or two weeks after the surgery your routine works could be done. Surgery is best performed after control your diabetes status.
1. Drugs or spectacles could not get your vision
2. You will get brilliant vision after the surgery
3. Your eye will be numbed by topical drugs instil into the eye.
4. Lens is inserted into the eye by a 2mm cut
5. No suturing is required
6. Instil eye drops for 6 weeks following surgery
7. There may be complications due to eye surgery like other surgeries. Even though very rare germ infections and complete blindness may happen following eye surgery.

Your cataract surgery could be performed safely by an expert eye specialist with the latest technology.
You will be monitored by an experienced specialist anaesthetist during the procedure.

- First worship your religious rituals
- Instil one eye drop every four (4) hours four times per day (e.g. 8 am, 12 pm, 4 pm and 8 pm)
- After instil eye drop close your eye gently for 2 minutes
- Use your routine medication as usual
- Have a bath and get clean
- Prepare all your medical records and documents to bring to the doctor on the next day

On the day of surgery
1. If possible have a bath and get clean. Worship your religion!
2. Instill a prescribed eye drop into the operating eye
3. Dress in white or light colour dress
4. Be in the hospital in time.
Before you leave the home please bring the followings
1. Eye test reports
2. Other medical reports
e.g. ECG, X-ray
3. All the medication you take including eye drops
Post Surgery
1. Brushing your teeth, shaving, watching TV and reading books could be done from the following day onwards.
2. Mild grittiness and tearing are normal.
3. If you are in pain take 2 tablets of Paracetamol.
3. Have a body wash without wetting the head for 4 days
4. Wipe your face with a mildly warm towel for 4 days
5. You cloud have a bath after 4 days
6. Instill one eye drop every four hours four times per day (e.g. 8 am, 12 pm, 4 pm and 8 pm). Instil the other drug after 3min of the first.
7. Bring all your eye drops and medication when you come to the eye clinic.
If you get severe pain in your eye or developed redness meet your doctor immediately!

How to put eye drops correctly ?